DeePee: A Diamond-Inspired Piggy Bank

Zoltan Madosfalvi's Award-Winning Masterpiece

Combining luxury with functionality, Zoltan Madosfalvi introduces DeePee, a unique table decoration that doubles as a piggy bank. This design, inspired by the polished surfaces of diamonds, redefines the concept of a piggy bank, transforming it into an exclusive home jewel.

DeePee's design inspiration stems from the polished diamond structure. Each individual form and structure of the diamond pieces are brought out with minimum material loss. The piggy bank is a unique form of grinding, serving as an indication of both inside and outside value, thus linking content and form.

The object's unique character shaped appearance combines the prestigious features of expensive jewelry with a lovable and kind presence. It serves as a constant reminder of family members' fundraising efforts. However, DeePee's most outstanding feature is its ability to serve as a unique and complementary contextualized "jewel" for any exclusive home, in addition to its standard functions.

DeePee is made of porcelain, a technology that enables the manufacturing of complex shapes. After completing the master form, a negative gypsum form is made from it, and then porcelain is poured into it. The resulting porcelain is repaired from the first positive mold (grinding it as the diamond), and then burned out at different temperatures depending on the glaze it gets.

With a height of 135 mm, length of 165 mm, and width of 123mm, DeePee is a compact yet noticeable piece. The design was realized in Budapest, Hungary, by Zoltan Madosfalvi and Aliz Ördög. The research behind the design involved studying the behavior and characteristics of upper-class individuals, leading to the creation of an object that, while not necessary, is desired by many in this category.

The challenge in creating DeePee was in the creation of an 'iconic' object whose function is not primarily usability but intellectual content. Despite this, the design was recognized for its excellence and impact, winning the Golden A' Furniture Design Award in 2013. This award is granted to marvelous, outstanding, and trendsetting creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom, and significantly impact the world with their desirable characteristics.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Zoltan Madosfalvi
Image Credits: Zoltan Madosfalvi
Project Team Members: Zoltan Madosfalvi , Aliz Ördög
Project Name: DEEPE
Project Client: Zoltan Madosfalvi


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